
You can change Indian Bank branch online.

Are you a customer with an Indian Bank account? Want to change your home branch account? You may be planning to change branch due to dissatisfaction with the staff working in the existing branch or due to your job transfer, relocation, etc.

That way you can change your branch online. No need to go directly to the branch where you hold the account. If your phone has IndianFunk Mobile Fanging service then you can do this through it.

Indian Bank branch online

How to transfer your account online to another branch?

* Open Indian Fang Mobile Fanging and log in. Select the E-Services option in it.

On the next screen select the option “Change Home Branch”.

* Next to this select the account number you want to change and then enter the IFC code of your desired new branch. After typing the IFC code for your new branch, you can verify the code, address and name of your new branch. Submit now.

* After making sure that the details you have selected are correct, give conform and submit your request.

Now everything is complete. Your request to transfer your account to a new branch has been successfully submitted. Your request will be processed within 15 to 20 days.

You can check the truth.

You can check whether your account has been transferred to the branch of your choice within the specified time limit. Go to Mobile Fanging and check your account details.

If you select Account Details under the Account menu in Mobile Fanging, your new bank branch code, IFC code and branch name will be displayed.

So by following these steps you can change your bank branch to your preferred location online. However, please note that this facility is applicable only to customers with Savings Accounts.


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