
Indian-origin Conservative Party veteran Rishi Sunak advances to 4th round of UK PM election

London: Rishi Sunak, the senior leader of the Conservative Party of Indian origin, has advanced to the 4th round of the British Prime Ministerial election. After the resignation of Boris Johnson from the post of British Prime Minister, the ruling Conservative Party is engaged in the process of choosing the next Prime Minister. In the election for the new Prime Minister, there were 8 people in the field, including MPs of Indian origin, Rishi Sunak, Suvella Braverman and Ministers Liz Truss and Penny Morton. Meanwhile, 357 MPs of the Conservative Party voted at the end of the 3 rounds of voting.

British Prime Ministerial election
In this, Rishi Sunak, the former British finance minister and a member of Indian origin, advanced to the 4th round. In the 3rd round of voting, 5 people including Rishi Sunak were in the field. One of them has been expelled. Next two rounds will be conducted and two candidates will be selected for the final round. One of the two will be chosen by Conservative Party members. In this, the party leader will take the responsibility of the party leader. He himself will take office as the new Prime Minister. The name of the winner will be announced on the 5th of September.


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