Udayanithi’s Red Giant Movies has been acquiring the Tamil Nadu theatrical distribution rights for a number of major films. They bought the Tamil Nadu theatrical distribution rights for Rajinikanth’s Annaatthe. They also bought the Tamil Nadu theatrical release rights for the recently released Surya’s Anything Dare.
Udayanidhi’s Red Giant Movies has also acquired the Tamil Nadu theatrical rights for the upcoming Kamal Vikram film and Vijay’s Beast film.
The action film has three main protagonists and is expected to be a hit with fans and distributors alike. Trade analysts say Vikram will surpass sales of Kamal’s films so far. No details have been released on how many crores Red Giant Movies has acquired for the Tamil Nadu theater distribution rights. Vikram is coming to the screen on June 3rd.
Lokesh Kanagaraj directed the film and lead roles of the film are Kamal, Vijay Sethupathi, Bhagat Bachil, Narain, Kalidas Jayaram, and many more, Vikram will release in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi. Kamal’s Raj is produced by Kamal Films International. Music and songs have composed by Anirudh.