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How to turn on/off dark mode in Notion?

Are you a night owl who works or studies late into the night? Or do you simply prefer using dark mode to reduce eye strain and improve readability? Whatever your reason, Notion has got you covered. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of turning on/off dark mode in Notion, both on your desktop and mobile devices. We will also discuss the benefits of using dark mode and how you can customize the appearance to your liking. So, let’s get started with our step-by-step guide to make Notion look even better in the dark!

dark mode in Notion

Does Notion have dark mode?

Yes, Notion offers a dark mode option. To activate it, go to your profile icon and choose “Settings & Members”. Next, switch on the “Dark Mode” toggle under “Settings & Preferences”. Additionally, you can set up automatic activation of dark mode based on your device settings.

How to make Notion dark mode?

To activate dark mode on a Notion page, navigate to your profile icon and select “Settings & Members.” Under the “Settings” menu, choose “Appearance” and toggle the dark mode option to turn it on or off. This will reduce eye strain and improve readability in low-light environments while also extending battery life on OLED devices. You can also personalize dark mode with custom accent colors and font adjustments. To switch between modes, follow these simple steps for a seamless experience without disrupting your workflow.

Browse Notion’s settings to find appearance options

Notion page appearance options are easily found by heading to your profile icon and selecting “Settings & Members.” Once there, navigate to “Appearance” where you can toggle between light mode or dark mode themes or set it to follow your system settings. By enabling dark mode in Notion while working in low-light environments you reduce eye strain and fatigue. The cool thing is with dark mode enabled you can also customize the accent color of your workspace.

Change the appearance to dark mode

To switch to dark mode on your Notion page, click on your profile icon and navigate to “Settings & Members.” Select “Appearance” and toggle on the dark mode option. Customize your workspace by choosing a personalized accent color. Enjoy a more comfortable viewing experience with reduced eye strain. To go back to light mode, follow the same steps as for enabling dark mode and choose light mode instead.

How to switch to dark mode on phone or tablet?

If you want to change the appearance of your notion page from light mode to dark mode on your phone or tablet, follow these simple steps. Open the Notion app on your device and access its settings menu. Locate and toggle on the “Dark Mode” option to enable dark mode; if you want to revert back to light mode later, simply toggle off this option. With this feature enabled, you’ll have a better user experience while using Notion in low-light environments.

Open Notion on your device

To switch from light mode to dark mode in Notion on your mobile device or tablet, follow these simple steps: Open the Notion page on your device and access its settings menu. Look for “Appearance” or “Theme” options and select “Dark Mode” to turn it on. This will reduce eye strain and improve battery life on devices with OLED screens while making it easier to read in low-light environments. To switch back to light mode, simply toggle off “Dark Mode.” Other useful features include custom accent colors and font size adjustments.

Open settings and choose appearance

Customizing the appearance of your Notion page is easy. Open the settings and select ‘Appearance’ to choose between light and dark modes or follow your device’s system settings. Notion’s Dark Mode is ideal in low-light environments as it reduces eye strain and saves battery life on devices with OLED screens. Moreover, customizing accent colors or adjusting font size and style make for a more personalized experience. Switching between light and dark modes is seamless in Notion – start enjoying your Notion page today!

Select dark mode

To toggle dark mode on a Notion page, first go to your device’s settings and select the dark mode option. After that, within Notion’s settings choose “Appearance”. Simply toggle the switch for dark mode to turn it on and enjoy reduced eye strain and better readability in low-light environments. To return to light mode just follow these steps again but choose light mode instead.

How to enable light mode in Notion?

Switching to light mode in Notion is simple. Click on your profile icon, navigate to Settings & Members, select General, scroll down to Appearance, and toggle on Light Mode. Enjoy the brighter workspace!

Follow the same steps as for dark mode, but choose light mode

If you prefer working on a brighter background while using Notion, enabling light mode is easy. To do so, navigate to your profile icon in the top right corner and select “Settings & Members” from the dropdown menu. Next, click on “General” and scroll down to find the “Appearance” section where you can select “Light Mode.” You can also follow similar steps as for dark mode to switch back to light mode anytime you want. By making this small adjustment to your Notion page settings, you can enhance your productivity without straining your eyes or draining device battery life.

What are the benefits of dark mode in Notion?

Using Notion’s dark mode can ease eye strain and save battery life on OLED devices, particularly in low-light environments. It also offers a stylish design that helps users concentrate on their work. Enabling dark mode is a simple process via the settings menu.

Reduced eye strain and fatigue

Dark mode in Notion has various benefits that include reduced eye strain and fatigue. It is especially helpful when working in low-light environments as it minimizes distractions caused by bright backgrounds. Additionally, it is aesthetically pleasing and easy on the eyes for some users. Notion’s dark mode can be easily turned on or off from the settings menu depending on your preferences. You can switch between light mode and dark mode effortlessly to ensure a comfortable notion page experience.

Improved battery life on devices with OLED screens

Notion has an excellent feature that helps improve battery life on devices with OLED screens by offering a sleek and modern ‘dark mode.’ The ‘dark mode’ reduces eye strain and fatigue caused due to prolonged use of a bright screen in low-light environments. Additionally, the higher contrast and readability of text make it easier to focus on work or tasks at hand. To switch to ‘dark mode,’ go to Notion’s settings and toggle the “Dark Mode” switch; similarly, to enable ‘light mode,’ adjust the settings correspondingly.

Better readability in low-light environments

Notion pages can be viewed in dark mode to reduce eye strain and fatigue while extending battery life on OLED or AMOLED screens. Using custom accent colors, adjusting font size, and style in the appearance settings lets you personalize your page. In low light conditions, dark mode improves the contrast and readability of text. It creates a more immersive work environment by reducing distractions caused by bright backgrounds. Light mode is also available for those who prefer it. (92 words)

How to customize the appearance in dark mode?

To personalize your dark mode experience in Notion, navigate to workspace settings and select “Appearance” then “Dark Mode.” From there, you can modify the background and text colors and opt to use system colors. Make sure to save your adjustments for them to take effect.

Choose custom accent colors

Customizing your Notion page appearance is easy and efficient. By heading to “Settings & Members,” you can access the “Appearance” option where you can adjust various settings such as the theme color and font size. You can also enable or disable features like full-width pages. Want to add a personal touch? Click on “Customize” to adjust accent colors to your liking. With so many options available for customizing your Notion page appearance in dark mode, why settle for default settings?

Adjust font size and style

For adjusting the appearance settings in Notion’s dark mode, go to “Settings & Members” and select “Appearance.” Here, you can choose themes and toggle dark mode on or off. Adjust font size, line height, sidebar & full-width options too. Try different settings until it fits your preference. To enable light mode in Notion page follow similar footsteps as for dark mode but select light mode instead. Happy customization!

How to disable dark mode in Notion?

To switch back to Notion’s light mode, access your profile icon, choose “Settings & Members,” and go to the “General” tab. Then, turn off the “Dark Mode” toggle button. This will revert the interface to its original appearance.

Follow the same steps as for enabling dark mode, but choose light mode

To change the appearance of your Notion page from dark mode to light mode, browse through the settings by clicking on your profile icon in the bottom-left corner. Then select “Settings & Members” and toggle off the “Dark mode” switch under the “Settings” tab. With this easy-to-follow process, you can enjoy using Notion in light mode. Additionally, customizing accent colors and adjusting font size options are also available for a personalized experience. Don’t hesitate to switch between light mode and dark mode on Notion for better readability and reduced eye strain!

Start using Notion in the dark!

To enable dark mode on your Notion page, simply navigate to the appearance settings and select the option for dark mode. Using this feature can help reduce eye strain and improve readability in low-light conditions. Additionally, customizing the darkness level of Notion’s dark mode can make for a more comfortable experience while using the platform. Finally, don’t forget that it’s just as easy to switch back to light mode if you prefer a brighter interface.


Notion’s dark mode is a great feature that reduces eye strain and improves readability in low-light environments. To enable dark mode, simply browse the settings and change the appearance to dark mode. You can also customize the appearance by choosing custom accent colors and adjusting font size and style. If you want to switch back to light mode, follow the same steps but choose light mode instead. Using Notion in dark mode can make a big difference in your productivity, so start using it today!

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