
A New Museum Dedicated to Malcolm X to be Built in His Birthplace

Omaha, Nebraska – The birthplace of Malcolm X, one of the most influential and controversial figures of the civil rights movement, will soon be transformed into a museum and cultural center honoring his legacy. The project, which has been in the works for over a decade, received a major boost from a $20 million state grant that was announced on Wednesday.

The Malcolm X Memorial Foundation Leads the Effort

The Malcolm X Memorial Foundation, a non-profit organization that owns and operates the 18-acre site where Malcolm X was born, is the driving force behind the museum project. The foundation’s mission is to perpetuate the leadership and contributions of Malcolm X towards social justice, human rights, and cultural diversity.

The foundation has been working to preserve and develop the site since 2006, when it acquired the land from the city of Omaha. The site currently features a small former church that serves as a visitor center, a memorial plaza with a 10-foot-tall bronze bust of Malcolm X, and several gardens and green spaces.

The foundation’s vision is to create a world-class museum and cultural center that will showcase the life and legacy of Malcolm X, as well as the history and culture of African Americans in Omaha and beyond. The museum will also serve as a hub for education, research, and community engagement.

A New Museum Dedicated to Malcolm X to be Built in His Birthplace

The State Grant Provides a Significant Boost

The museum project received a major boost from a $20 million state grant that was announced on Wednesday by Governor Pete Ricketts. The grant is part of a $300 million package that aims to support various cultural and tourism projects across Nebraska.

The grant is the largest single source of funding for the museum project so far, and will cover about half of the estimated $40 million cost. The foundation has also raised about $10 million from private donations and other grants, and plans to raise the remaining $10 million through a capital campaign.

The foundation’s president, Sharif Liwaru, expressed his gratitude and excitement for the state grant, saying that it was a “game-changer” and a “historic moment” for the project. He also thanked the governor, the state legislature, and the Nebraska Department of Economic Development for their support.

The Museum Project Aims to Break Ground in 2024

The foundation hopes to break ground on the museum project in 2024, which will mark the 100th anniversary of Malcolm X’s birth. The project is expected to take about two years to complete, and will result in a 30,000-square-foot museum and cultural center that will include:

  • A permanent exhibit that will chronicle the life and legacy of Malcolm X, from his birth in Omaha to his assassination in New York.
  • A temporary exhibit space that will feature rotating displays on various topics related to Malcolm X, such as his travels, his speeches, his writings, and his influence on other movements and leaders.
  • A library and archive that will house a collection of books, documents, artifacts, and media related to Malcolm X and his era.
  • A multipurpose hall that will host events, programs, and performances that will celebrate and promote the culture and heritage of African Americans and other marginalized groups.
  • A cafe and gift shop that will offer food, beverages, and merchandise that will reflect the diversity and creativity of the community.

The museum project will also involve the renovation and expansion of the existing visitor center, the enhancement and preservation of the gardens and green spaces, and the creation of a parking lot and a pedestrian bridge that will connect the site to the nearby North Omaha Trail.

The Museum Project Hopes to Inspire and Educate Future Generations

The foundation believes that the museum project will not only honor the legacy of Malcolm X, but also inspire and educate future generations about the importance of social justice, human rights, and cultural diversity. The foundation hopes that the museum will attract visitors from across the state, the country, and the world, and will serve as a catalyst for the revitalization and development of North Omaha, which has historically faced challenges such as poverty, crime, and discrimination.

The foundation’s motto is “By Any Means Necessary”, which is also one of the most famous quotes of Malcolm X. The foundation interprets this phrase as a call to action, a challenge to overcome obstacles, and a commitment to achieve goals. The foundation hopes that the museum project will embody this spirit, and will inspire others to follow the example of Malcolm X, who was a leader, a thinker, a activist, and a human being.


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