
Kentucky’s Leap Forward: Senate Approves Progressive Two-Year State Budget

In a remarkable display of bipartisanship, the Kentucky Senate has passed a two-year state budget with a near-unanimous vote. This budget, which emphasizes educational funding, marks a significant step towards enhancing the state’s public services.

Education at the Forefront

The newly approved budget places a strong emphasis on education, with a substantial increase in funding for K-12 schools. The main funding formula for public schools, known as SEEK, will see a boost of over 9% in the next budget cycle. This increase is a clear indication of the state’s commitment to improving educational outcomes and supporting the future of Kentucky’s children.

Kentucky state capitol building

Local Control Over Teacher Pay

In a major policy shift, the budget grants local school boards the autonomy to decide on teacher pay raises. This move aligns with the Republican leadership’s philosophy of local governance and is expected to empower districts to use the additional state funding to reward educators adequately. The decision diverges from Democratic Governor Andy Beshear’s proposal for an 11% pay raise for all public school employees, highlighting a philosophical divide between the governor and the legislature.

Infrastructure and Healthcare

Beyond education, the budget also addresses other critical areas such as infrastructure and healthcare. Investments in these sectors aim to create a more robust foundation for the state’s growth and ensure that all Kentuckians have access to essential services.


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