
How to Publish Shopify Store? A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to take your business online and start selling products globally? Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms that allows you to create your online store with ease. In this post, we will guide you step-by-step on how to set up your Shopify store and publish it for the world to see. We will cover everything from creating a name, choosing a theme, and adding products to publishing your store. Additionally, we will discuss the Shopify app functionality that helps you customize shipping pricing, email setup and more. By the end of this post, you will have all the necessary information to launch your Shopify store and start selling products online.

Shopify Store

What is Shopify?

Shopify is a platform that lets businesses establish and oversee their online stores. It provides customizable templates, payment processing, and shipping options with different pricing plans to suit your needs. Shopify also allows sales on various channels like Facebook and Instagram.

Setting up a Shopify store

Setting up an online store on Shopify is relatively easy. Begin by selecting a suitable pricing plan based on the size of your business needs. Once you’ve chosen a plan, customize the look and feel of your Shopify store by selecting an appropriate theme from the theme library. Add products to your store by navigating through the dashboard tab and setting up payment and shipping options for customers’ convenience. Remember to optimize each page with a relevant meta description for better SEO results. Ensure that your checkout process is seamless without any unnecessary steps or errors. Additionally, make it easier for customers to trust you by making your privacy policy visible on the homepage or product pages. Finally, promote your online business across multiple channels like Facebook, Instagram or other sales channels to get maximum visibility.

Making a name

Creating a unique and memorable name for your Shopify store is essential. To make your online store discoverable and stand out from competitors, try using keywords related to your niche or industry when choosing a name. Make sure it’s easy to spell and pronounce while avoiding any trademarked or copyrighted names. Checking domain availability before finalizing your choice is also crucial since you may want to create a website with the same name later on. Keep in mind that your chosen name will become an integral part of your brand identity in the long run.

Signing up for an account

Congratulations on taking the first step toward launching your online business! To get started, create a Shopify account by providing your email address, password, and store name. After creating the account, you can choose from a variety of templates available in the Shopify theme library or Shopify theme store to customize your online store’s look and feel. The Shopify dashboard offers several functionality options that allow you to manage inventory, process payments through Shopify Payments or other payment providers of your choice, and track sales data as well as traffic data. Do not worry if you are unsure about which plan to choose as Shopify offers a basic plan with a free trial period.

Choosing a theme

When choosing a Shopify store theme for your e-commerce platform, keep in mind the type of products you offer and your target audience. Previewing and testing different templates in the Shopify Theme Store will give insight into themes’ functions on your website. You can customize these themes with logos or imagery using HTML coding in the Shopify Admin dashboard. By doing so, you can ensure that the chosen theme reflects your business name and style while standing out among other online stores.

Store settings

To make your online store stand out among the competition, you need to focus on a lot of minor details like store settings while publishing the Shopify store. Store settings determine the smoothness of the customer’s shopping experience. Start by setting up payment and shipping options, taxes, and currencies, and reviewing and updating the store’s settings as required. Shopify offers various apps that can help you customize your store with features like password protection or checkout tab in different countries. The Shopify app also allows easy integration with social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram for better visibility and sales channel setup as per business needs.

Adding products

To add products to your Shopify online store, create crisp and clear product listings that include features, pricing, and high-quality images. Ensure that you highlight the benefits of each item and use relevant keywords and tags for search engine optimization. Use two or three easy-to-read paragraphs for better readability. Remember to smoothly transition from the previous topic into this one without starting with ‘how to publish Shopify store’. You can customize your store further by choosing a theme from Shopify’s theme library or even creating a custom design using HTML. Don’t forget to review customer settings regularly so that transactions are smooth for customers.

How to publish a Shopify store?

Congratulations on taking the first step toward building your online business! To get started with publishing your Shopify store, the first thing you need to do is choose a Shopify plan that suits your business needs and budget. Once you’ve signed up for the free trial and logged into your Shopify account, you’ll be taken to the dashboard where you can start customizing your online store. Use the Shopify theme store or theme library to select a template that will suit your store name, logos, navigation, homepage, etc.

Next, add products to your Shopify store by creating collections based on different categories of items you have in stock. Set up variants like size or color options for each product so customers can easily browse through them. Write clear product descriptions that highlight the features of each item and use high-quality images to showcase them. Use relevant secondary key terms like transaction fees, payment processing, privacy policy or e-commerce while writing descriptions so that they are optimized for search engines.

After setting up products in the online store next step is to set up payment and shipping options which provide customers with a seamless checkout experience. You can choose between various payment providers like Shopify Payments or third-party payment processors based on what works best for you.

Finally, publish your online store by connecting it with your primary domain or adding new domains. You can also add sales channels like Instagram, Facebook or blog to reach customers in different countries and promote your online store through social media or email campaigns.

Creating and adding a domain name

To ensure that your online store has a professional and memorable online presence, creating and adding a custom domain name is the first thing you should do after signing up with Shopify. Whether you want to use an existing domain or purchase a new one from Shopify’s third-party domain provider, connecting it to your Shopify account involves updating the DNS records. Keep in mind that choosing a business name that accurately represents your brand is crucial for both customers’ memory and search engine optimization (SEO). Congratulations on taking this step toward launching your e-commerce store!

Updating DNS records

To publish your online store using the easiest way possible, updating the DNS records of your domain name is the next step after setting up your Shopify account. Connecting your domain name with Shopify’s default subdomain should be done by transferring it to Shopify or through a third-party domain provider. Ensure that you follow the instructions provided by Shopify on how to update the DNS records for different countries and providers meticulously. This will guarantee the visibility of your online business on search engines and sales channels.

Removing storefront passwords

To ensure that your Shopify store is accessible to customers, you need to remove the storefront password. This can be done by navigating to the “Online Store” tab in your Shopify dashboard and selecting “Preferences”. From there, uncheck the box labeled “Enable password protection” and remember to save your changes before exiting the preferences page. Now, congratulations! Your shop is now published and available for sale!

Setting primary domain

Choosing the perfect primary domain is an essential aspect of the process of publishing your Shopify store. Your chosen domain name becomes the face of your online store and plays a significant role in shaping your brand identity. To make sure you create a lasting impression on potential customers while browsing through your online store- choose a memorable and brandable custom or subdomain from the available options provided by Shopify’s Theme Library. With the help of SEO practices like search engine optimization techniques and effective publishing strategies for your domain name- you’ll be able to attract more visitors to your site and increase sales with ease.

Adding other domains

When adding another domain to your Shopify store, it’s important to choose a memorable and brandable domain name that reflects your business. You have the option of using a custom domain through Shopify or going with a third-party provider. After verifying ownership of the new domain, set up DNS records so that customers will be correctly redirected to your Shopify store. Be sure to update any references or links once the new domain is active. This way, customers from different countries can access your online store easily.

Shopify app functionality

Enhancing the functionality of your online store is essential to provide an excellent user experience. One way to achieve this is by using Shopify apps from the Shopify app store. These apps are created to work efficiently with your Shopify theme and design. Before installing any app from the store, ensure that you consider its reviews, ratings and installation cost carefully. Once installed, test it thoroughly to make sure that it works correctly and improves the overall functionality of your online store.

Shipping pricing and options

As an online business owner launching your new store on the Shopify theme store or using a template from the theme library (easiest way), it’s essential to consider different countries’ Shipping Pricing and Options for customer satisfaction and higher sales in checkout. The platform allows customization of shipping rates based on weight along with easy navigation via the dashboard or app integration with popular carriers like UPS or FedEx. Using Shopify payments without transaction fees is a seamless payment processing option for Shopify stores across Instagram and Facebook social media as well as email marketing campaigns that may be set up by using the Shopfy email setup tab under Settings > General > Store details > Email address via privacy policy hard work on SEO optimization for search engines using existing/ third-party domain providers’ DNS records after removing password protection from storefronts while updating DNS records ensuring proper redirection to your Primary Domain that aligns with your branding.

Email setup and customization

One of the essential factors when setting up an online store on Shopify is customizing your emails to build brand loyalty and engage with customers. The platform provides a range of email templates that you can personalize according to your brand’s tone and style. These customizable emails can be automated for order confirmations, shipping updates, and abandoned cart reminders. Additionally, integrating third-party email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp allows you to create and send newsletters to customers via their email addresses. By personalizing your emails with customized content and graphics that match your brand personality, you can build better relationships with customers.


Now that you know how to set up a Shopify store, it’s time to go live! The process of publishing your store involves adding a custom domain name, updating DNS records, and removing storefront passwords. Once you have completed these steps, your store will be accessible to visitors from all over the world. Additionally, Shopify’s app functionality can help you manage shipping pricing and options and customize your email communications with customers. With Shopify, you can create a professional online store that is easy to use and manage. Start selling today by following our step-by-step guide.

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