
How to Close a SeedFi Account?

If you’re looking to close your SeedFi account, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to close your account and answer some frequently asked questions about the process.

SeedFi Account

What is SeedFi?

SeedFi is an online financial service that helps customers build their credit and save money. It offers a Credit Builder loan and Savings Account that can help customers improve their credit score and save for future expenses. Customers can also access helpful resources like budgeting tools and educational materials.

How Do I Close My Account?

Closing your SeedFi account is easy. All you need to do is contact Credit Karma Credit Builder and request that they close your account in good standing. Once they have done so, they will report the closure of your account to the relevant credit bureaus.

What Happens When I Close My Account?

When you close your SeedFi account, all of the funds in your Savings Account will be returned to you within 5 business days of closing your account. Your Credit Builder loan will also be closed, but any outstanding balance must still be paid off according to the terms of your loan agreement. Additionally, closing an account in good standing may help improve your credit score over time as it shows lenders that you are responsible for managing debt.

Can I Make Withdrawals From My Credit Karma Credit Builder Savings Account?

No, while you are paying back your loan, withdrawals from your Credit Karma Credit Builder Savings Account are not allowed. However, once you have paid off $500 or more towards the loan, we unlock that amount for you so that you can withdraw it or continue saving it for future expenses.

What Is The Routing And Account Number For My Savings Account?

The routing and account number for your savings account can be found on the Savings Account page in the Account Center after signing in with the same email address and password used for your SeedFi account.

How Do I Prevent My Credit Karma Credit Builder Account From Being Closed For Inactivity?

To prevent being closed due to inactivity, make sure to use both features regularly – take out advances from time to time as well as make payments on them when due – or contact us at if any issues are preventing regular activity on either feature.

Will Closing My Accounts Affect My Credit Score?

Closing an account in good standing may help improve your credit score over time as it shows lenders that you are responsible for managing debt. However, if there are any outstanding balances when closing an account then this could negatively affect a person’s credit score depending on their overall financial situation at that time.


Closing a SeedFi account is easy – just contact Credit Karma Credit Builder and request they close it in good standing so it can be reported as such by relevant credit bureaus. Keep in mind that any outstanding balances must still be paid off according to the terms of the agreement even after closing an account; however, closing an account responsibly may help improve one’s credit score over time if done correctly! If there are any questions or concerns about how best to manage accounts or prevent them from being closed due to inactivity then feel free to reach out via email at for assistance!


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