What Disqualifies You from Being a Foster Parent in Texas?

Fostering a child is a noble act that many people in Texas are choosing to undertake. Being a foster parent means opening up your home and heart to care for a child in need of a safe and loving environment. However, becoming a foster parent is not just about your willingness to help but also whether you meet the state’s requirements. These requirements are set up to ensure that the children in foster care are placed in safe and stable homes. In this article, we will be discussing what disqualifies you from being a foster parent in Texas.

Foster Parent
Foster Parent

Criminal Record

A major disqualifier that can bar you from becoming a foster parent in Texas is having a criminal record. The state has strict background check requirements for those who want to open their homes to foster children. If you have been convicted of any of the following crimes, you will be disqualified from fostering a child in Texas:

  • Any sexual offense
  • Child abuse or neglect
  • Murder or manslaughter
  • Kidnapping or abduction
  • Robbery or burglary
  • Drug trafficking or sales

Lack of Adequate Space

Another factor that can disqualify you from being a foster parent in Texas is not having adequate space in your home. Texas has specific regulations on the amount of space that a child in foster care requires. You need to have enough space in your home to provide a bedroom for the foster child. Additionally, if you have other children in the home, the foster child cannot share a room with them unless they are siblings.

Medical or Mental Health Problems

If you have any medical or mental health problems that can interfere with your ability to take care of a foster child, you may not be eligible to become a foster parent in Texas. This is to ensure that the foster parents can provide a safe and nurturing environment for the child. The most common disqualifying conditions include:

  • Active alcohol or drug abuse
  • Psychotic disorders
  • Seizure disorders
  • Intellectual disabilities that could affect your ability to care for the foster child.

Income and Employment

Foster parents in Texas need to meet specific income requirements to ensure that they can provide for the foster child’s basic needs. You need to have a steady income to cover the expenses such as food, clothing, and medical costs. Additionally, if you work outside your home, you must have a reliable childcare plan in place.

Age limit

To be eligible to foster a child in Texas, you must be at least 21 years old. Some agencies may have a maximum age limit, but that varies from agency to agency. However, there is no upper age limit in Texas as long as the foster parent can provide a stable and loving home for the child.

Family History

Finally, the state of Texas may consider a potential foster parent’s family history a disqualifying factor. If there is anyone in the home who has a history of child abuse or neglect, the prospective foster parent may be disqualified. The same goes for any family member who has a violent criminal past, sexual offenses, or drug-related charges.

Lack of Support System

Fostering a child can be challenging, and to make it work, you need to have a support system in place. A lack of support system can disqualify you from being a foster parent in Texas. Your support system can include family and friends, or community resources that can help you when you need it.

Training Requirements

Before becoming a foster parent in Texas, you must complete 40 hours of free training provided by DFPS or an agency contracted with them. This training covers topics such as child safety and development, understanding trauma-informed care, working with birth families and more. It’s designed to help prepare potential foster parents for the unique challenges of caring for children who have experienced trauma or neglect.


Becoming a foster parent in Texas is a noble act that can change a child’s life. However, before you consider fostering, it’s essential to understand the requirements. If you meet the requirements and can provide a safe and nurturing environment, you can make a difference. However, it’s important to note that there are disqualifying factors such as criminal records, lack of adequate space, medical or mental health conditions, income, age, and lack of support system that can disqualify you from being a foster parent in Texas. Understanding these factors is crucial to ensure that you’re eligible to become a foster parent and provide a loving home to a child in need.


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