
Fincenti pitchgrount Discount: Lifetime Deal for $89.00

Fincenti pitchgrount: Fincenti is a growth and productivity toolbox with Growth Insights, Daily Progress/End of Day Reflection tools on My Feed, and Team Feed for teams.

TL;DR: TRACK your daily activities in the first tab of your browser with Fincenti, REFLECT on your day with structured questions at the end of your day, and SPICE IT UP with Growth Insights for better productivity.
You have got a lot on your plate, and you are not sure how to stay on top of everything with clearer ways for personal and professional growth, especially in the turbulent time we are experiencing today.

With Fincenti, you can capture your daily tasks and growth activities into one platform to convert your day into actions with deep thinking –  updates from the Fincenti Private Community and Fincenti External Experts. Our mission is to provide a single source of growth

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advice battle-tested in the business fields and powered by science. Core features are snack-sized 5 minutes insights and reflection feature, which is known to improve the productivity up to 22% based on peer-reviewed scientific studies.

A Comprehensive Growth and Productivity Toolbox with 180+ Growth Insights, Reflection Questions, Growth Tips, and Supportive Community.

With Fincenti, you get –

  • Growth Insights: 5 minutes insights that could shape up your next 5 years of life. Curated insights ranging from gadgets, digital tools, books, hard and soft skills, the arts, philosophy, free courses, videos, and quotes that spice up your growth and productivity journey. You can be featured through Experts and Users for recognition and even for hire. It includes personalizing your growth journey through “My Growth Insights.” Star any insights, and save them to “My Growth Insights”.
  • My Feed: Daily Progress Tools, End of Day Reflections, and Templates
  1. Overview – My Feed: Easy conversational UI type progress checks and reflections. With 16+ templates
    created by scientists and business consultants across the globe, it gives you global competitiveness – reflection is known to boost your productivity by up to 22% in peer-reviewed scientific studies.
  2. Daily Progress Tools: Capture what happens in your day, whether day-to-day activities – meetings, calls, emails, notifications, and messages from communication and collaboration tools, or growth activities – conferences, webinars, online classes, cohort lectures, or learning a new tool. Streamline your day with familiar tools like To-Do Lists, Not-To-Do Lists, and Daily Progress Checks or create your own tools by mixing and matching for your needs.
  3. End of Day Reflections – End your day with Fincenti’s End of Day Reflection templates for a better you and your team tomorrow. Pick one or two from the expert reviewed and curated soft skill and hard skill templates with reflection questions, templates, growth insights, and tips to activate your deep thinking in the various topics to skill up whenever you feel like it.Create a list of action items to kickstart your day.
  4. Feedback, Review and Note – Provide feedback to you and your team as the work progresses. Make sure your strategy gets into implementation flawlessly with constructive feedback and frequent reviews – not to micro-manage but to foster creativity and innovation. Create a note for gathering fast facts and making inferences or for anything note-worthy!

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  • Team Feed View – Fincenti is for individuals and teams! Want to even out the soft skills in your team in order to reduce conflicts? Need to activate feedback loops in remote collaborations? Need to track the progress of a fast-growing team in a non-intrusive manner? The Team Feed is to get a view on how your team works – with privacy filters so that your team can choose whether to share or not.
  • List of Templates and growth insights topics

– Soft-skills: Mindfulness, Resilience, communication, workplace relationship, Monday Blues, Mid-career crisis, team conflict resolutions, motivation, and much more..

– Hard-skills: Solopreneur and fast-scaling team reflection questions, dealing with customer objections, improving customer service, realistic goal settings, daily progress checks, constructive feedbacks, and much more..

– Fincenti Insights: Grab & Go insights, Fun things that enrich your life, Curated gadgets, apps, technology, courses and influencer recommendations, and much more..


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