Telegram has overtaken WhatsApp to become the most widely used message app in Russia. WhatsApp and Telegram are the most used messaging apps worldwide. WhatsApp usage is high in India. Government offices, corporates, and grassroots workers use WhatsApp for information and business.
Meta company is running Whatsapp which also owns Facebook and Instagram. The Dubai-based Telegram has headquartered in the British Virgin Islands. As Russia continues its offensive against Ukraine, the anti-Russian meta has banned pro-Russian messages on Facebook. In response, Russia has banned Instagram for their citizens and opened Rossgram.
Following this, the use of meta company WhatsApp has started to decline in Russia. The local telecommunications companies had highly advertised the telecom apps.
Telegram app usage in Russia has risen from 48 percent in the first 2 weeks of February to 63 percent now. WhatsApp, which was similarly 48 percent usage, is now down to 32 percent. The Russians use 101 MB of data per day on the Telegram app. According to WhatsApp, this data is 26 MB.
Telegram isn’t the only platform being used by Russian civilians. The clubhouse has also grown as a popular place for Russians to discuss and debate the war and get in touch with the Western world.