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Nebraska Governor Visits Texas Border Again, Vows More Support

Pillen joins other GOP governors in Texas to address border crisis

Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen made his second trip to the Texas border on Sunday, joining 12 other Republican governors who pledged to continue supporting Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s efforts to secure the border and stop illegal immigrationPillen said the border crisis was not only a Texas problem, but a national problem that affected every state.

Pillen, who took office in January 2023 after defeating incumbent Pete Ricketts in the 2022 GOP primary, has been vocal about his opposition to President Joe Biden’s border policies, which he said have created a “massive flow of illegal drugs, national security and terrorism risks, and a humanitarian crisis”. He said Nebraska was committed to standing with Texas and other states that were taking action to protect their citizens and uphold the rule of law.

Pillen deploys Nebraska National Guard soldiers to Texas border

In July 2023, Pillen announced the deployment of more than 60 Nebraska Army National Guard soldiers to the Texas border in support of Operation Lone Star, a joint initiative by Texas and Arizona to enhance border security and law enforcement efforts. The soldiers, who departed on August 2 and returned home in early September, were tasked with providing additional observation and reporting near the border, which would assist agencies that were conducting security and law enforcement operations.

Nebraska Governor Visits Texas Border Again, Vows More Support

Pillen said the mission was critical to the security of Nebraska as well as other states, as the border crisis had led to an influx of illegal drugs, weapons, and criminals into the country. He said Nebraska had seen an increase in drug trafficking, gang activity, and human trafficking as a result of the porous border. He also said the border crisis posed a threat to national security and public health, as some of the migrants crossing the border were from countries with ties to terrorism or had COVID-19 or other diseases.

Pillen said the participation of Nebraska soldiers in Operation Lone Star was the result of a request from emergency management officials in Texas. He said the costs associated with the deployment were covered by federal funds, directed through the Nebraska National Guard. He said he was proud of the men and women who served in the mission and thanked them for their sacrifice and service.

Pillen criticizes Biden administration for failing to secure the border

Pillen, who is considered a potential contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration for its handling of the border crisis. He said Biden’s policies, such as reversing the Trump-era border wall construction, ending the Remain in Mexico program, and halting deportations, have encouraged more illegal immigration and overwhelmed the border resources and facilities.

Pillen said Biden had failed to fulfill his constitutional duty to protect the nation and enforce the immigration laws. He said Biden had ignored the pleas of the border states and the American people for more federal assistance and action. He said Biden had also failed to address the root causes of the migration, such as poverty, violence, and corruption in the countries of origin.

Pillen said he and other Republican governors had stepped up to fill the leadership vacuum left by the Biden administration. He said he and his fellow governors had visited the border, met with border officials and local leaders, and provided resources and personnel to support the border security and law enforcement efforts. He said he and his fellow governors had also urged Congress to pass legislation that would secure the border, reform the immigration system, and hold the Biden administration accountable.

Pillen said he would continue to visit the border and support Texas and other border states until the border crisis was resolved. He said he would also continue to advocate for the interests and safety of Nebraska and the nation. He said he hoped the Biden administration would change its course and work with the states and the Congress to address the border crisis and restore the rule of law.


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