
Navigating the Costs of EPLI: Protecting Your Business and Employees

With rising cases of workplace harassment and discrimination, protecting your business and employees has never been more critical. As an employer or HR professional, you understand the importance of creating an inclusive workplace culture that fosters diversity and equality. However, despite your best efforts, legal issues can arise. These issues can take a significant toll on your business, including loss of productivity, reputation damage, and financial strains. That’s where Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) comes in. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of EPLI and how you can navigate the costs while protecting your business and employees.

Costs of EPLI
Costs of EPLI

What is EPLI?

Employee Practices Liability Insurance, commonly known as EPLI, is a type of insurance coverage that helps protect businesses from employee-related lawsuits. It provides coverage for companies when employees claim their legal rights have been violated in the workplace. This insurance is designed to protect not only the business itself, but also individual employees and the company’s reputation.

Understanding EPLI Coverage

EPLI policies usually cover three major areas of employee claims:

1. Discrimination – this includes claims based on age, gender, race, religion, or other protected categories as per federal or state laws. It provides coverage for acts related to hiring, firing, promotions, and pay disparity.

2. Harassment – it covers claims related to hostile work environment or sexual harassment, including claims that were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or other state agencies.

3. Retaliation – EPLI policies may also cover retaliation claims made by employees. For example, if an employee claims he/she was retaliated against for filing a complaint about discrimination or harassment, EPLI may cover the costs of defense and settlement.

Benefits of EPLI

1. Protection from Financial Losses – EPLI provides coverage for defense costs, damages, and settlements related to employee claims. It can cover not only the cost of defending the lawsuit in court but also the fees associated with investigating and negotiating settlements and judgments.

2. Protection of Company Reputation – EPLI coverage can help minimize negative publicity and preserve the company’s reputation in case of lawsuits. A company that is known to have EPLI coverage may be perceived as more responsible and better equipped to handle workplace issues.

3. Peace of Mind – Knowing that the company is protected from employee claims can give business owners peace of mind and the ability to focus on running their business without worry.

Tips for Choosing EPLI Coverage

1. Understand Your Business Needs – Consider your company’s size, location, and industry when choosing EPLI coverage. Some policies are tailored to specific industries or business sizes.

2. Review Policy Limits – Be sure to review the limits of the policy and ensure they are adequate for your needs. The higher the limits, the more coverage and protection you will have.

3. Work with an Experienced Agent – It is important to work with an agent who has experience with EPLI policies and can help you understand the coverage and limits.

EPLI is an important insurance coverage for businesses of all sizes. It provides protection against employee claims related to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Business owners should carefully consider the benefits of EPLI coverage and work with experienced agents to select the policy that best suits their needs.

The Importance of EPLI in Business

Employee lawsuits have become common in the modern business environment. According to a recent study by Hiscox, small businesses face a 12% chance of an employment lawsuit filed against them by their employees. This is where Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) comes in. EPLI is a policy that covers businesses against claims made by employees for wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and other similar claims. This section will explain to the readers why EPLI is important for businesses and why it is a cost-effective investment.

Benefits of EPLI in Business:

1. Protection against Employee Lawsuits: EPLI protects your business from claims of discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and other similar charges. It covers the legal costs and any settlement fees that may arise due to such lawsuits. This can save you thousands of dollars in legal fees and settlement costs in the long run.

2. Peace of Mind: Having EPLI can provide business owners with peace of mind knowing that they are protected against any potential employee lawsuits. This allows them to focus on running their business without any added stress.

3. Recruitment and Retention of Employees: EPLI can also serve as a retention tool for employees. Businesses that have EPLI policies in place show potential employees that they are a responsible and reliable company that values their employees’ welfare. This can increase the retention of current employees and attract new and talented workers to join the company.

Cost-Effectiveness of EPLI:

While EPLI may seem like an additional expense for small businesses, it is important to note that the cost of lawsuits can be much higher if a business does not have EPLI. The legal fees and settlement costs associated with an employee lawsuit can be financially devastating for a small business. Thus, investing in EPLI can be a cost-effective way of protecting your business and employees in the long run.

EPLI is crucial for businesses to protect themselves from the potential risks of employee lawsuits. It provides businesses with legal and financial protection, peace of mind, and can attract and retain talented employees. EPLI may seem like an added expense, but it is a cost-effective investment that can save businesses a significant amount of money in the long run.

Common Claims Covered by EPLI

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) is designed to cover businesses in the event of a lawsuit filed against them by an employee. These lawsuits can be costly and time-consuming, and can lead to negative publicity for the company. EPLI covers a range of claims related to the employment relationship, and this subsection will provide the readers with examples of the most common claims that EPLI covers, such as discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, and retaliation.


Discrimination claims are among the most common and costly types of employment lawsuits. The EPLI policy covers claims of discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. Discrimination can take many forms, including failure to hire, promotion, or pay, as well as harassment and hostile work environments. The policy will cover the cost of defending against these claims, including legal fees, court costs, and damages awarded to the plaintiff.


Harassment claims are another common type of employment lawsuit covered by EPLI. Harassment can take many forms, including sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and physical intimidation. The policy will cover claims related to harassment in the workplace, as well as claims arising from harassment outside the workplace, such as during business trips or at company-sponsored events.

Wrongful Termination

EPLI also covers claims of wrongful termination, which can arise when an employee is fired for discriminatory reasons or in violation of an employment contract. Claims of wrongful termination can be difficult to defend against and can result in large settlements or jury awards. EPLI will cover the cost of defending against these claims, as well as any damages awarded to the plaintiff.


Retaliation claims are another common type of employment lawsuit covered by EPLI. Retaliation can occur when an employee is punished for reporting discrimination, harassment, or other violations of the law. The policy will cover claims related to retaliation, including legal fees, court costs, and damages awarded to the plaintiff.

EPLI is a valuable insurance policy for businesses of all sizes. The policy covers a range of claims related to discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, and retaliation, which are among the most common types of employment lawsuits. By investing in EPLI, businesses can protect themselves and their employees from the financial and reputational consequences of these claims.

Factors Affecting EPLI Costs

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) costs vary depending on several factors. Below are some of the factors that affect EPLI costs.

Size of the Organization

The size of the organization is one of the primary factors that affect the EPLI cost. Large organizations with many employees are more prone to employment practices liability risks. Therefore, they require a higher amount of coverage and are charged more premium rates for EPLI coverage than small businesses.


The industry that the organization operates in also affects the EPLI cost. Certain industries, such as healthcare, finance, and technology, are at high risk of employment practices liability claims. Therefore, organizations operating in these industries may need to pay a higher premium for EPLI coverage.


The location of the organization also plays a role in determining EPLI costs. Different states have different laws and regulations regarding employment practices liability. Therefore, companies operating in states with strict employment laws may have to pay more for EPLI coverage.

Claims History

The claims history of an organization is another essential factor that determines EPLI costs. If the organization has a history of employment practices liability claims, the premiums paid for EPLI coverage will be higher. A clean claims history, on the other hand, can help lower the cost of EPLI coverage.

Several factors affect the cost of EPLI coverage. Organizations should consider these factors when shopping for EPLI coverage and consult with an insurance agent to determine the appropriate coverage and premium rates. By having the right protection in place, organizations can protect their business and employees from employment practices liability claims.

Saving Money on EPLI:

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) can be a significant expense for any business, and finding ways to save money on this insurance policy can be crucial for smaller businesses. Here are some tips on how to save money on EPLI:

Bundling EPLI with Other Insurance Policies:

One way to save money on EPLI is to bundle it with other insurance policies, such as workers’ compensation or general liability insurance. Some insurance providers may offer discounts for bundling multiple policies, which can help businesses save money on their insurance premiums.

Implementing Preventative Measures:

Another way to save money on EPLI is to implement preventative measures to minimize the likelihood of claims. These could include providing training to managers and employees on workplace conduct and policies, creating an open-door communication policy for reporting potential issues, and conducting regular employee evaluations to identify any potential areas of concern.

Working with an Experienced Insurance Broker:

An experienced insurance broker can help businesses find the most cost-effective EPLI policy for their specific needs. Additionally, brokers can help businesses understand the policy’s coverage and any potential exclusions, which can help prevent any surprises in the event of a claim.

Conducting Regular Policy Reviews:

Businesses should conduct regular policy reviews to ensure that their EPLI policy remains up-to-date with any changes in their operations or industry regulations. This can help prevent any gaps in coverage that could leave a business vulnerable to costly claims.

Businesses can save money on EPLI by bundling it with other insurance policies, implementing preventative measures, working with an experienced insurance broker, and conducting regular policy reviews. Investing in EPLI is essential for protecting a business and its employees, but finding ways to reduce the cost of this insurance policy can help businesses maintain their bottom line.

Choosing the Right EPLI Policy:

When it comes to choosing the right Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) policy for your business, there are a number of factors to consider. Taking the time to do your research and choose the right policy can help ensure that both your business and your employees are protected against costly and damaging lawsuits. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing an EPLI policy:

Coverage Limits:

One of the most important things to consider when choosing an EPLI policy is the coverage limits. This refers to the maximum amount of money that the policy will cover in the event of a claim. It is important to choose a policy with high enough coverage limits to adequately protect your business against potential damages.


In addition to coverage limits, you will also need to consider the deductible for your EPLI policy. This is the amount of money that you will need to pay out of pocket before the policy kicks in. Choosing a higher deductible can help you save money on premiums, but it also means that you will need to pay more out of pocket if a claim is filed.


It is important to carefully review the exclusions of any EPLI policy that you are considering. Exclusions are situations or types of claims that are not covered by the policy. For example, some policies may exclude claims related to discrimination based on sexual orientation. Make sure you fully understand the policy exclusions and choose a policy that provides adequate coverage for your specific business needs.

Additional Tips for Choosing an EPLI Policy:

– Work with a reputable insurance broker or agent who has experience with EPLI policies and can help you navigate the options.

– Consider purchasing a policy that includes defense costs, as this can help cover the costs of legal fees even if the claim is ultimately dismissed.

– Review your policy regularly to ensure that your coverage is up to date and adequate for your needs.

– Consider purchasing a policy with endorsements for specific types of claims, such as claims related to social media or third-party liability.


In conclusion, investing in Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) means protecting not just your business, but also your employees from the potentially devastating effects of employment practices lawsuits. While the costs of EPLI may seem high, they are minimal when compared to the legal and financial damages that can arise from a lawsuit. With the statistics indicating an increase in employment practices lawsuits, it is vital for businesses to understand the importance of having EPLI in place as a preventive measure. Don’t wait until it’s too late, make the decision to protect your business and employees today through the purchase of EPLI.

FAQ – Navigating the Costs of EPLI

1. What is EPLI insurance, and why do I need it for my business?

Answer: Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) is a type of insurance designed to provide coverage for claims made by employees against their employer for discrimination, wrongful termination, harassment, or any other wrongful employment practices. Considering the rising number of lawsuits and the potential financial damage associated with such claims, EPLI insurance is a must-have for businesses of any size.

2. How much does EPLI insurance cost, and what are the factors that influence it?

Answer: The cost of EPLI insurance varies based on the size of your organization, the type of industry, the number of employees, and the level of coverage you need. Generally, the premium for EPLI insurance is calculated based on your chances of being sued, and this is assessed by the insurer based on a range of factors, including previous employment lawsuits, the level of HR training within the organization, and the overall risk profile of the business.

3. What types of cases does EPLI insurance cover?

Answer: EPLI insurance covers a wide range of employment-related claims, including discrimination based on age, gender, race, or religion, harassment, wrongful termination, retaliation, defamation, and violation of privacy and wage laws. It also covers expenses related to legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments.

4. Does EPLI insurance cover all employees of the business?

Answer: Yes, EPLI insurance covers all employees, including full-time and part-time employees, temporary staff, and independent contractors. However, the coverage may vary for each type of employee, and this should be discussed with the insurer when obtaining the policy.

5. Can EPLI insurance protect my business from reputational damage?

Answer: EPLI insurance can help protect your business from reputational damage resulting from an employee lawsuit. The insurance can cover the cost of public relations efforts to restore the company’s reputation and prevent further damage to it.

6. Can I have EPLI insurance coverage as a standalone policy, or does it need to be bundled with other insurance policies?

Answer: EPLI insurance can be purchased as a standalone policy or as part of a broader insurance package, depending on your business’s needs.

7. Does EPLI insurance have a deductible or a cap on coverage?

Answer: Yes, EPLI insurance typically has a deductible, and the policy may also have limits on the amount of coverage provided for different types of claims. You should discuss this with your insurer when obtaining the policy.

8. How should I select an insurance provider for EPLI insurance?

Answer: When selecting an insurer for EPLI insurance, consider factors such as the insurer’s experience and track record in handling employment claims, the range of coverage, competitive pricing, and the level of customer service and support provided.

9. Do I need to obtain EPLI insurance if I have a small business?

Answer: Yes, all businesses, regardless of their size, should consider purchasing EPLI insurance. Smaller businesses are often more vulnerable to employment lawsuits as they may lack resources to implement robust HR practices and policies, making them more susceptible to potential employment claims.

10. Can EPLI insurance prevent employee lawsuits from happening?

Answer: No, EPLI insurance cannot prevent employee lawsuits from occurring, but it can help protect your business from financial costs associated with such lawsuits. It is essential to create a healthy work environment, implement sound HR practices and policies, and provide adequate employee training to minimize the likelihood of employment-related claims.


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