Digital Marketing

How To Delete Walmart Search History?

Searching for products and services on the Walmart app is a great way to find what you need quickly and easily. But if you don’t want your search history to be visible to other people, it’s important to know how to delete it. Here are some easy steps that will help you clear your search history from the Walmart app.

Delete Walmart Search History

Clear Recent Searches

The first step in deleting your search history from the Walmart app is to tap “Clear All” next to Recent Searches. This will remove all of the searches that you have made in the past. It’s important to note that this won’t delete any items that you have purchased or viewed in the past, only those searches that you have made recently.

Clear Recent Views

Once you have cleared your recent searches, it’s time to clear your recent views as well. To do this, simply tap “Clear All” next to Recent Views. This will remove any items that you have recently viewed on the Walmart app, such as product pages or reviews. Again, this won’t delete any purchases or items that you have bought in the past, only those items that you have recently viewed on the app.

Search For More Stuff

Once you have cleared both your recent searches and views, it’s time to start searching for more stuff! You can use the search bar at the top of the page or browse through categories and products until you find something that interests you. Just remember not to save any of your searches if you don’t want them showing up in your search history later on!

Use The “Clear All” Option On The App

If at any point during your browsing experience on the Walmart app, you want to clear all of your recent searches and views again, simply head over to the Account page and scroll down until you see “Clear Search History.” Tap this button and then confirm by tapping “OK” when prompted. This will erase all of your recent searches and views from the Walmart app so no one else can see them!

Remove The App From Your Device

If at any point during using the Walmart app, you want to make sure none of your search history is saved on your device, then it’s best practice to remove it completely from your device. To do this long press on the Walmart app icon on your phone and select “Remove App” or “Uninstall”. Once done, all traces of using and searching with Walmart will be gone from both their servers as well as yours!


Deleting search history from apps like Walmart can be a great way to keep things private while still being able to enjoy their services without worrying about someone else seeing what we’ve been looking at online! By following these simple steps outlined above, anyone can easily delete their search history from apps like Walmart with ease!


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